Social Media Ann Arbor Guide: Twitter

Social Media Ann Arbor: Guide to Twitter
In social media, an allowance of 140 characters may not seem like much, and it isn’t, but it’s amazing what people have been able to do with it. Twitter has become such a phenomenon that many live TV shows have incorporated showing Tweets from the average viewer expressing their opinion (more on that later). It may sound cliché, but there is no other way to say it: Twitter has taken the world by storm.
Twitter grew so quickly in popularity because it is made almost solely for mobile users. The limitation to 140 characters makes it perfect for mobile use, and is what has helped it skyrocket to the forefront of social media. It’s a streamlined, minimalist design, based on quick tweets and efficiency, and is inarguably the best social media platform for mobile. With everyone carrying phones at all times, this ensures that not only is Twitter top-of-mind for mobile users, but also allows for the fastest response to current events. If you’re doubting any of this, take a look at this comic from XKCD.
Everyone having a quick way to see, react, and post online from anywhere is a powerful thing. The quick blurbs from celebrities and users, and the ease of communication between the two has made skimming news, celebrity posts, tweets from friends, and all other users as efficient as possible.
Another reason Twitter is so popular is that it gives people a way to communicate directly with celebrities in a public space. This is something that brands and social figures on other social media sites don’t have. The culture of Twitter makes it much less common for celebrities to have someone manage their account. When reading a post, it is often from the person themselves, which always leads to better communication, and a better experience for everyday users.
The most important thing that Twitter did, which is the keystone of its popularity, is introducing the world to the idea of the hashtag. Finally, everyone speaking about a certain topic could find out what everyone else was saying. There is no digging through comments on a specific post. There is no dedicated poorly run page about one topic. Anyone from anywhere can post about a topic, and anyone who is interested can see what everyone else is saying, on a global scale. Never before in human history has this been the case.
So, how do we use this for business?
1. Keep track of what’s popular
Keep an eye on things that are popular, or big things happening in your industry. In social media, Twitter is one of the best for this task. You can easily see trending news stories, topics, or just search for what people are saying about something. This is a great way to keep your profile relevant, up to date, and improve communication.
2. See what your competitors are doing, and talking about
Along with keeping up with what’s popular, you should also check to see what your competitors and industry leaders are doing. What are they talking about? What are they offering? What are people saying to them? This can give you valuable information for how social media can help your business.
3. Respond to people!
Twitter makes it super easy to respond to messages from people. One of the major benefits of 140 characters is that you’ll never get a long-winded message. Of all social media platforms, Twitter is the most built for mobile use, so you can keep up with your customers, clients, and fans while you are on the go.
If you have any other questions about Twitter, Facebook, or any kind of social media in Ann Arbor, feel free to call us! Our number is 877-815-6974, or you can contact us at